Spy on a Phone’s Photos with our Photo Spy App feature
Our Spy on Photos feature allows you to view all images sent, received, saved and deleted on a target device. This can provide you with the peace of mind that your children are not engaged in any risky behavior, or that employees are not taking pictures of any your company’s sensitive data or processes. A picture’s worth a thousand words, and with the ability to snap photos on a smartphone easier than ever, the need for you to have FlexiSPY’s photo tracker app feature has never been greater.

What you can do with our Spy on Photos Feature
FlexiSPY leaves nothing to chance. Not only do you have access to photos taken or received by the target device, but our historical media feature lets you spy on photos that were already stored on a smartphone – even before FlexiSPY was installed.
- View every image taken by the target phone
- Access photos already stored on the device
- Monitor photos remotely from your online portal
- Select which photos to download with thumbnail viewing
- Supported file formats include JPEG, PBM, PAM and ECW
Why You Need To Spy On Photos
Photos convey a lot of meaning, oftentimes more than words; and if inappropriate photos find their way on to the phones of children and employees, the damages could be potentially irreparable. What if your teenage daughter sends a nude photo to her boyfriend and he decides to send it to his friends for bragging rights; or what if a disgruntled employee uses a private picture he or she discovered on a company phone as leverage for getting ahead in the office. The boundaries of private and public arenas can be easily crossed when it comes to dealing with photos – especially for parents and employers. With FlexiSPY, you have the power to stop bullying, embarrassment or ‘sextorition’ before it gets out of control.
Benefits for Parents
We live in a world of selfies – where children find the need to document every aspect of their lives, whether to flaunt a new outfit, or a place they have visited, or some cool friends they have started hanging out with.
However, things may quickly get out of hand when your child gets exposed to things such as nudity and other inappropriate photos. As a parent, it is also your concern that your child has an age appropriate profile photo and is not exchanging damaging photos with significant others or even strangers.
FlexiSPY will keep you abreast of all the photos that your child is taking, sharing and receiving. Let your child know you want to protect them from the dangers of the internet or from digital backlash – because once it’s on the internet, it’s their forever. Our software lets you confirm that all photos taken are age appropriate, decent by your standards and something that your child will not regret if their ex, a bully, a family member, or a future employer comes across.
Benefits for Employers
Does your business have private zones or private information that your employees have access to? If yes, then you may need to ensure that your employees are maintaining the privacy standards that safeguard the integrity of your company.
When your employees expose private areas and processes, or other sensitive information to outsiders, your company becomes vulnerable to outsider attack. This could potentially result in loss of finance, credibility and reputation.
To protect your business, you should monitor the photos being exchanged by your employees through their phones with FlexiSPY. For example, as an employer you can prevent sexual harassment by flagging inappropriate photos being sent after an office party. You can also stop corporate espionage ensuring photos of confidential information, data or charts are not being snapped and sent to competitors. Our digital age calls for as many lines of defense as possible and spying on photos is a must.
Benefits for Individuals
Smart phones have become our all-inclusive companions. We save everything from passwords, to credit card information to messages to photos. In the past the photos we took were on a roll of film or at least the memory card of our camera, but nowadays our smart phones act as our collector of ‘Kodak moments.’ So, what happens when we lose our smart phones? We end up losing our treasured memories captured through photos.
Thankfully, FlexiSPY allows you to backup all your photos in your secure online portal. Once you have installed FlexiSPY, our powerful monitoring software immediately begins storing the photos taken, shared and received by your phone. You can delete photos you no longer need or search through them by date to find the perfect image of your birthday party. FlexiSPY’s dashboard also allows you to safely store extra photos when your phone is running out of memory. You can download them directly to your computer for later use.
How does it work?
Purchase a FlexiSPY license for the target phone -
Install and activate the license on the target phone -
Calls, SMS messages, contacts and call data is captured -
All call data is uploaded to your secure account to view -
All data received can be accessed Round-The-Clock via any computer